Having a catchy title and description is the most important part of any eBay listing, and there are some things you can do to make your titles and descriptions stand out.
Optimize titles for eBay's search engine
Having a well optimized title for eBay's search engine can help your product appear in the top results. The title is a great opportunity to catch the attention of buyers and increase the chance that they'll buy from you. The best titles are readable, easily accessible, and optimized with keywords that customers are likely to search for. These keywords can also be used as supporting keywords for your listing.
A good title for eBay's search engine should be keyword rich, descriptive, and easy to read. Use keywords that are specific to your item, and don't make use of acronyms, special characters, or other words that aren't descriptive.
Your listing title should be no more than 80 characters long, and use keywords and descriptions that are useful to buyers. The title should also include a brand name or other identifier. This should be done with care, though, as it can cause your listing to look amateurish. You should also avoid using punctuation, all caps, and non-descriptive words.
You should also be sure to include a high-quality image. According to eBay reports, listings with high-quality images sell five times more than listings without images. You can also use close-up photos, which show off the details of your item and provide more detailed information for buyers. A high-quality image will also improve your ranking in Google.
You may also want to use a subtitle for your eBay listing, as these are available for up to 55 characters. Subtitles are also useful for displaying more detailed information about your product. Subtitles are also a good way to attract the attention of mobile shoppers. If you use subtitles for your eBay listing, make sure to use keywords in your subtitle.
You can also use a tool such as Froo, which is smart social that keeps users on the social network popular at the time they're most likely to buy from you. This can help you avoid spamming, and promote your listing on Facebook and Twitter. Another useful tool is Terapeak, which helps sellers find keywords that buyers are likely to search for on eBay.
You should also avoid using emojis, acronyms, or other words that are not descriptive. Using special characters can cause your eBay title to look amateurish, and may even hurt your ranking. This is because search engines have a tough time figuring out what you're selling. It also may irritate modern customers, who are used to being able to just tap a button to buy something.
A good eBay SEO strategy should also include competitive analysis to help you improve your product title and get the most out of eBay's search engine. This includes using keywords that are relevant to your listing, and choosing keywords that will get you noticed and increase your sales. If you're not sure what keywords to use, you can also use a tool like ZIK Analytics to find out which ones work best.
Include high-quality images in your listing
Having a great picture to accompany your eBay listing is important for two reasons. First, your listing will look better and second, you will improve your conversion rate. A bad picture will turn off buyers. In addition, having a good image is a good way to show off your best products. For example, a nice picture of your new car may entice a first time driver to make a purchase.
The best way to showcase your wares is to use a tripod and a telephoto lens. Next, make sure your image is high resolution. You should also consider using a white background. Finally, make sure your image is a few thousand pixels wide. You should have at least a dozen images in your listing. The key is to make sure you are showing off the best of your products in your listing.
For instance, have you considered using a photo frame to take your pictures? This will allow you to include your best images while eliminating the need for editing and cropping. Also, don't make your image too small; this will prevent you from having to upload a second image to make your listing look better. In addition, don't forget to have your listing visible on your phone! Having a mobile listing is a good idea since many of your prospective customers may be on the go. In addition, consider using an app that helps you manage your photos. You can do this by using the inkFrog listing tool.
Lastly, include the best images of your wares in your eBay listing. This will ensure you are showing off your best products while ensuring your listing looks better than the last time you did the same thing. For example, if you sell jewelry, be sure to include your best rings in your listing. Finally, make sure your image is of high resolution and size to ensure that it looks good on both mobile and desktop. This will increase your conversion rate and improve the customer experience. After all, your eBay listing is your storefront and your image speaks volumes to buyers. The right images are the best way to show off your products and increase your sales. If you aren't sure where to start, try using an inkFrog listing tool to streamline your image-management needs. It is also a good idea to have a clear image template to work from. In addition, include a watermark to show off your best products. This will ensure you get the best images and most credit for your efforts.
Having high quality images will definitely improve your conversion rate and make your listing stand out from the crowd. In addition, it is a good idea to use a tripod and a strobe to get the best images possible. Finally, don't forget to have your listing seen in the background to ensure the best results.
Get a store account to sell on eBay
Creating a store account to sell on eBay can be very simple and inexpensive. eBay is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms in the world. It allows buyers to purchase items from sellers around the world. The platform also offers sellers a wide range of options when it comes to setting up an online store.
The first step is to decide what you want to sell on eBay. You can choose from a variety of categories, such as collectibles, apparel, refurbished electronics, and clothing. You can also create a niche store that specializes in a specific type of item. This can help you gain more repeat customers.
Once you have decided what you will sell, you can start adding products to your store. You can do this by using either the quick listing form or the advanced listing form. You can also use keywords to optimize your store's searchability. These keywords are important because they help buyers find your store. You can also set up your store to allow international shipping. You can also use PayPal or a debit card for payments.
You can use a business bank account to track your transactions and expenses. Having a separate business bank account also allows you to keep better records for tax time. There are also subscription plans on eBay that can help you save money on your selling fees. These plans can also provide discounts on other business tools.
Once you have an eBay business account, you can choose whether you want to receive payments on a weekly or daily basis. You can also set up your store's invoicing and payout schedule. eBay also offers a Money Back Guarantee, which protects buyers from dodgy sellers. You can also research prices of your competitors.
You can also connect your eBay store to your own website. This allows you to filter eBay traffic onto your own website. It can also help you grow your business by introducing new trends. It also allows you to customize your store with business branding. You can also update your communication preferences, add new addresses, and update your shipping information.
You can also use the Seller Hub to manage your transactions. eBay has a pricing flow tool that suggests pricing based on category. You can also use Google Trends to analyze historical data to gauge consumer demand.
When you start selling on eBay, you will be assigned a username. You can change your username in the settings section of your account. You can also add an email address and password. You can also log in with your Facebook account or Apple ID.
You can also use eBay's Quick Listing Tool to organize your product details. eBay can also help you find suppliers for your items. If you decide to bulk source your products, you can also use Alibaba or AliExpress to find suppliers.