Google Keyword Planner: Free Keyword Research

Google Keyword Planner: Free Keyword Research

how to do keyword research for free with google keyword planner

If you are looking to learn how to do keyword research for free with Google Keyword Planner, you will be pleased to know that the service has plenty of tools for this purpose. You can filter out suggestions that do not fit your business, view keyword performance forecasts, and even download keyword suggestions. However, using this free keyword research tool is not without its limitations.

Find long-tail keywords

When searching Google for keywords, there are many different methods of finding long-tail keywords. One method is to use the keyword planner. This tool will give you suggestions based on the terms that people are using when searching for a particular topic. For example, if someone is searching for fall clothes, they will probably use the words fall clothes and "fall clothes." This method will give you several long-tail keyword suggestions.

Another way to find long-tail keywords is to look at the content of your site. If your site sells dog food, for example, you may find that some of your visitors are searching for human-grade organic dog food. This type of content is a perfect match for long-tail keywords. You can also check your analytics to see how many visitors are coming to your site from organic keywords.

Another free method is to use a tool called Answer the Public, which is known as "Answer the Public." This tool allows you to search Google for long-tail keywords based on actual search terms. It can also help you find keywords that your competitors are using.

Another way to find long-tail keywords is by using Q&A websites. Many people will ask Google related questions, and this can be a good way to find long-tail keywords. You can also use search engines that display search queries as you type. In addition to answering the public's questions, these sites will also show you how long-tail keywords are searched.

Another free tool to find long-tail keywords is SEMrush. It is one of the best long-tail keyword research tools, and has a wonderful user interface. You can find the monthly search volume of a keyword, its competition and difficulty level, and a number of keyword suggestions. It is available for a free trial, and it is worth considering for your long-tail keyword research.

Another way to find long-tail keywords is by using a tool called Keyword Magic Tool. This tool will give you hundreds or thousands of keyword suggestions in seconds. These keywords are usually related to the term that you are targeting.

Filter out suggestions that don't fit your business

One way to refine your keyword list with Google keyword planner is to use filters. For example, you can filter out suggestions that are too competitive or don't fit your business. You can also view the competition level for a given keyword. The competition level will tell you how difficult it will be to get the top spots on Google Ads.

By default, Keyword Planner will exclude adult keywords from your list. However, you can add filters that will narrow your keyword ideas even more. For example, you can choose to exclude keywords that are related to alcohol, gambling, or adult content. Filtering out suggestions based on these categories will help you choose the right mix of keywords.

Once you've selected your keywords, Google Keyword Planner will display a list of relevant terms. You can also filter out terms that have low search volumes. Keywords with low search volume will likely have more competition, while high search volume keywords will be less competitive. The competition level will typically be indicated in low, medium, or high. The competition level will tell you how competitive the keyword is, so keep that in mind when determining keywords.

To reduce costs, use the Keyword Planner's different filters. One of the most useful filters will show you how many people search for each keyword each month. Having a lower number means you can bid lower for a keyword and avoid overpaying. You can also sort keywords by their average monthly searches. The higher the number of searches, the harder it is to compete and make a profit.

View forecasts for keyphrase performance

Google keyword planner offers a wide variety of metrics to help you optimize your SEO efforts. These metrics include estimated search volume, average CPC, and CTR, as well as forecasts of keyphrase performance. These forecasts can help you decide how much traffic to bid on each keyword and how much you should spend.

The Keyword Planner also provides impression estimates for localized areas. You can search for a specific city and see how many impressions are predicted monthly. For example, if you're a plumber in New York, you can get estimated monthly impressions for that city by using "plumber" and clicking the "locations" tab.

The forecasting graph is my favorite feature of Google Keyword Planner. It shows the optimal CPC for a keyphrase, as well as the point of diminishing returns. It also includes the average cost-per-acquisition (CPA) and conversion value. This is very helpful for optimizing your campaigns for maximum revenue.

Keyword planner is free to use, and it can offer valuable insights for your SEO strategy. It can help you identify new keyword opportunities, forecast the impact of Google Ads, and determine which keywords are driving traffic to your competitors. Moreover, it can help you make smart decisions regarding product and service launches.

Google keyword planner also displays historical metrics for keywords. It also shows monthly searches for these keywords. Using this tool, you can see how many people are searching for a keyword and what the competition is willing to pay for it. It will also help you organize your keywords into categories related to your brand to create more targeted campaigns.

Download keyword suggestions

There are many ways to use Google Keyword Planner to generate keyword suggestions. One of these methods is to export your keyword suggestions. This is especially helpful if you need to cross-reference your keyword research. You can export the full keyword list or just a handful of suggestions.

The Keyword Planner is also useful for analyzing your SEO efforts. It suggests keywords based on what your website is about and helps you target those keywords. You can even see the search volume and the competitive search landscape. By analyzing your keywords with the Keyword Planner, you can see which ones are more likely to drive traffic.

Another useful way to generate keyword suggestions is to use SEMrush. This tool can extract your keyword suggestions and provide them in a spreadsheet. The data will show you websites and pages that rank for your keywords. It also shows information on their backlinks and social shares. This tool is great for creating long-tail keywords.

Another free keyword suggestion tool is Ahrefs Keyword Explorer. This keyword planner is very similar to Google Keyword Planner but has extra features and an intuitive interface. You can also export your keyword suggestions, including cost-per-click data and the number of searches. Ahrefs has the largest keyword database with 5.1 billion keywords across 200 countries.

Another useful tool is the Ads Keyword Tool. This tool not only gives keyword suggestions but also SERP analysis, which is a goldmine of information. It will tell you how many competitors are using your keyword and how recently they've created content. It will also give you a good idea of how to optimize your content.

Jimena Buchanan

Thanks for reading another article from the team!

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