Using Education to Pivot to a New Path

Many individuals are unhappy in their current profession or wanting to switch industries altogether, making switching careers an important and life-altering professional decision that needs careful thought and planning before being undertaken.

Career transitions are now increasingly commonplace. Some professionals make it their goal to switch jobs multiple times over their professional lives.


If you are transitioning into a different profession, acquiring new skills and credentials could be essential. Doing this requires both time and money, so make sure you plan accordingly.

Create an inventory of your strengths and interests. Ask yourself which activities and environments energize and inspire you, before visualizing how you envision your professional life unfolding.

Start exploring your desired industry or job in your free time through volunteering, shadowing or informational interviews. Get acquainted with how the business functions, what it takes to succeed and where your experience can add value - this way you'll have enough information about whether making the switch is suitable. Furthermore, inform your current employer so they can assist in the transition process.


An abrupt career change can be daunting and stressful, and can require more than simply switching jobs. It can involve changes within an organization as well as personal desires for something different; whether the transition be voluntary or involuntary it can present considerable obstacles and be quite a disruptive transition.

Step one in making a career change should be to assess what motivates you. Is it upward mobility or dissatisfaction with your current job and industry more fundamentally? Additionally, what were your core values when beginning in this profession and have they evolved since?

As part of your job transition process, it is also crucial to identify what transferrable skills you possess that could benefit the new field you wish to enter. Doing this will make interviewing and landing positions much simpler - for instance if transitioning into sustainability sector, volunteer in projects and attend networking events in industry; these will give experience while adding credibility to your resume.


One of the key components of making a career transition is networking. Networking allows you to form relationships within your field that could potentially lead to job opportunities or mentorship relationships. Be genuine when networking; offer assistance before asking for it yourself as this will create positive impressions and build trust within your network.

Join professional organizations or associations related to your new field for added networking opportunities as well as discovering unadvertised job openings. This could also provide invaluable training sessions.

Doing a career change may seem intimidating at first, but it is achievable with proper preparation. Take some time to reflect on your strengths and interests, define non-negotiables, and research the field you choose to find the path that's right for you. Once complete, the rewards of switching careers can be tremendous: with time and effort you could become successful in another industry altogether; plus changing careers can also help reframe work-life balance issues and lead to greater life satisfaction overall.


An invaluable way to ease a career transition is seeking mentorship. While every transition may differ, having someone help guide the way and provide invaluable insights into your target field is invaluable.

Mentors in your new field are invaluable when it comes to breaking into an industry, from helping you develop your resume to connecting you to others in the industry and even acting as informal job interviewers when looking for jobs. It is also essential that you stay in contact with these mentors regularly - not just when experiencing difficulty or needing guidance.

Remind yourself that making a career transition should not just involve switching fields; rather, take time to assess both your goals and interests to ensure your new path allows you to meet them all.

Emery Morgan

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