How to Start Saving Money Today If you want to save money, you must start by paying off any existing debts. Interest keeps adding up over time and can wipe out any savings you've made. It's also important to use 50% of your income on necessities and 30% on wants. Then, you ...
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How to Make Money Selling Gift Cards Online If you have a lot of gift cards and you want to sell them for cash, you can try several options. You can sell them to friends or sell them online for a commission or a fee. This way, you can earn more money and cut out the middlem ...
How to Make Money House Sitting If you are tired of paying rent, you can consider working as a housesitter. It can give you the extra money you need to cover extra duties. It also makes a good side gig. You can also live rent-free in return for extra duties. It is one of th ...
The Pros and Cons of a Handyman Service A handyman service is useful for catching small problems before they escalate into larger problems, such as a leaky faucet. They can also spot things like ceiling tiles that have fallen out of place, or surfaces that have chipped or c ...
Getting Projects Done With a Handyman If you're looking to hire a handyman, there are several factors to consider before you hire them. Read on to learn more about how much a handyman will cost, the kinds of problems a handyman can fix, and how to choose one. A handyman's s ...
How to Save Money When Hiring a Handyman There are some simple strategies to save money when you hire a handyman. These include grouping repairs into one project and communicating your needs. Other tips include flat-rate pricing and posting your project for free. These tips ...
What's the True Cost of Owning a Home? If you want to purchase a home, you need to figure out the total cost of buying and owning it. There are two main parts of home ownership costs: one-time and ongoing costs. The one-time costs include the down payment, closing costs, es ...
Budget Friendly Home Renovation Projects If you want to do home renovations yourself but want to stay within your budget, there are a few tips you can use to get the job done for less money. Before you begin any project, it's important to get a ballpark estimate of the mate ...
Home Renovation Projects Under $1000 If you have a limited budget, consider doing some home renovation projects on a budget. These projects can include repainting, installing a new front door, and a second story. You can find instructions for all these projects at your loca ...
How Long Do Windows Last? If you're looking for an answer to the question "how long do windows last," here are some general guidelines: Wood windows typically last 15 to 20 years, vinyl windows can last between 20 and 40 years, and aluminum windows can last up to 50 years. ...
How Long Does Flooring Last? When it comes to flooring, you might be wondering how long it will last. Fortunately, there are some solutions that will keep your floors looking great for many years to come. For example, vinyl plank flooring will last up to 25 years, while Por ...
How Long Does it Take to Renovate a Kitchen? The construction phase of a kitchen renovation includes the laying of kitchen flooring and walls. These are considered the "rough construction" items. They can take a week or less to complete. Then comes the "finish construction" ...