Balance is achieved by managing multiple responsibilities and tasks simultaneously to achieve equilibrium, or "balancing acts". This phrase often serves as an analogy for situations requiring considerable skill to achieve balance.Our "A Balancing Act" model also stresses the ...
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Career advancement involves taking several steps that lead to your promotion into a new position, from entering an entry-level role all the way up to taking on more responsibilities.Continued education can help you realize your career objectives, such as receiving a promotio ...
Mentorship has proven its benefits for all parties involved - including mentees, mentors and educational organizations. Effective mentoring requires flexibility, sensitivity and respect between mentor and mentee.Many individuals would appreciate having a natural mentor in th ...
As technology develops, it presents many opportunities for people to expand their skill sets and shape their own career growth. But the advantages of edTech don't stop there.Adult students lead hectic lives, often making it impossible for them to spend as much time on campus ...
Transitioning from military life to civilian life is often challenging for veterans. Gaining insight into why they experience difficulty can help increase the effectiveness of existing transition assistance programs.Transformation from civilians into soldiers requires signif ...
Accreditation is a continuous review and monitoring process designed to give assurance to the public that institutions and programs meet accepted quality standards, with credential earned at accredited institutions recognized by employers.Participants of this study reported ...
Adults often take great time weighing the costs and benefits of learning programs before making their decision. They want a clear reason to participate, while being in control of their own learning journey.LINCS Resource Collection contains high-quality multimedia instructio ...
Have you heard the phrase, "it's not what you know, it's who you know?" Networking can be an invaluable asset when it comes to professional development - particularly for teachers.One such networking initiative is the Learning Regions initiative, which seeks to foster region ...
Many adults struggle to improve their literacy skills, which can result in poor employment opportunities, economic stagnation or unemployment; reduced civic participation; and difficulties raising children.Successful health literacy projects have demonstrated how adult learn ...
Students who study abroad can experience new cultures, learning methods, and perspectives of the world - something which may serve them in both their career pursuits and personal lives later in life.The first article attempts to restore the value and power of international a ...
is a curated selection of articles on making effective use of education technology to drive improved school practices, part of EL Topic Select series.Students often thrive when participating in oral discussions and real-time responses. Digital tools that facilitate differen ...
Student loans are an integral component of financing many college educations. Before accepting one, it is crucial that you fully comprehend its terms.Consider all possible strategies to reduce the amount you must borrow, such as filing the FAFSA, applying for scholarships an ...